We at Swedish Film love film and work to ensure that film workers are compensated when their films are shown outside the private home.
We have represented film companies and film producers since 1947 and daily meet a large variety of customers who show films in different contexts. Together, we have a broad expertise in film and its various areas of use. We are passionate about the possibilities that each screening opens up, so don't hesitate to ask us about the rights that apply to your screening or which films are suitable.
Only your imagination sets limits on what kind of display you can arrange, but it is important that you comply with copyright. We help you with the best solution for you. Feel free to contact us with your ideas.
We are here for questions and information
08-445 25 50
Opening hours
Winter (15/8 - 15/5)
Mon: 9-17
Tue-Thu: 8-17
Fri: 8-16
Summer (15/5 - 15/8)
Mon: 9-16
Tue-Thu: 8-16
Fri: 8-15
Postal address
Swedish Film AB
Box 6014,
171 06 Solna
Visiting address
Swedish Film AB
Hemvärnsgatan 8
171 54 Solna
Tell us about unauthorized use of films
Tell us about unauthorized movie screenings
Sometimes, out of sheer ignorance, films are shown within the institutional rights area without the author of the film, or his representative, having given his permission. The author then receives no compensation. Unauthorized display/violation of the Copyright Act (URL 1960:729) may result in compensation being required afterwards. You can tip us anonymously.